Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Is it okay...

...to not be okay? I feel like everyone in my life is worried about me and I appreciate that, but frankly I am tired of talking about what is going on and tired of convincing people that I am okay. In fact, I really don't think that I am okay, but somehow that seems "okay." (ironic I know). I am tired and worried and don't know what we are going to do in the long run. I am tired. Particularly tired of working so hard to be okay. I want to just be and let myself be a bit broken for right now. **sigh**


Sandy said...

My dear dear Lisa - it is absolutely okay, not to be okay. Take it from the expert - it is harder to "act" okay than admit that you are struggling - but sometimes people need to know that, and allow you that latitude with all that is going on in your life right now. But from the other side, remember that if we didn't love you and Gess so much - we wouldn't be asking you if you were okay. Just know that there are many of us that love you and are willing to help in anyway, in a vain effort, to make it easier for you guys. Big hugs to the both of you sweetie, know that you are loved, and you can call anytime.

Kellee said...


Katie said...

Hi Lisa. I was just watching Barbara Ehrenreich talk about her new book on the Daily Show the other day. She was talking a lot about how unfair and hurtful it is that we are not allowed as a society to admit to not being okay and not staying positive all the time. It's like you are letting yourself and others down if you can't be sunny and optimistic. It is definitely okay to not be okay. With all the stuff that you are going through, I would be worried about you if you WERE okay. I just want you to know that I love you guys no matter what and I am here for you for anything that you need.

Leena said...

I completely agree with the previous comments. I'm sure you'll let everyone know when you're in a moment of not being Okay that really needs prayers, help or attention.
We love you broken or not. :)

Amy said...

It is totally ok to be not ok. We all are allowed that.

Many hugs to you and Gess!!!